Made by Alena

Shop Small

My name is Alena, and I have been making clothes since January of 2023. I sew, crochet, and knit from thrifted materials and now I want to share my hobby with others! I am currently studying at Brigham Young University and was inspired to actually start my small business due to one of the classes I took. I opened my shop in February of 2024 and began selling some of my pieces at local markets. While shopping at my small business, you are more than just a customer to me. Like seriously, if you buy something from me, my mom will hear all about it and I will not stop smiling for a week. Check out my shop for new pieces and join my newsletter to be informed about upcoming drops and sales – I promise I won’t spam you.

Shop Slow

Did you know there is 17 million tons of textile waste per year? This is largely due to the popularity of fast fashion and low quality clothing that ends up in landfills after only a couple uses. To combat this, I make all of my clothing and accessories from secondhand fabric and yarn, resulting in one of a kind pieces that I spend my time and energy designing and creating. Shop slow fashion and wear unique handmade clothing that will last more than just a couple washes.